
Software Developer

I wanted to become a software developer while I was studying for my degree. My first experience coding was at university and I found that I loved it. While at university (Though University was not my main priority in coding). I also took a year out to complete an internship in a large organization and found that to be a very rewarding experience

From those two things I pursued a career as a developer in a large organization and wound up applying for the Coding challenge program during my last year of university. I was successful and have been working at Vagaly LLC for just over a year now. I am currently a developer and I do a bit of everything, from mobile development to web application development.

Have your website, mobile app, and graphic images designed and developed by one of the top development teams, I am impatient to be hired for a job.

  •  Birthday: 16 April 1998
  •  Website:
  •  Phone: +237 672 160 306+237 678 618 645
  •  City: City : Douala, CAMEROON
  •  Age: 23years
  •  Degree: HND
  •  Work Email:
  •  Freelance: Available

 Often when I’m working I’ll be learning something new so I might spend some time with some more senior developers to ask questions and learn from their experiences. Some days I will work from home because all of my meetings can be done remotely with the technology provided by my work. 


