
Faq Page

Great! It is not a problem whatsoever. Our team of experts in project management, development and design are here to walk you through every step of the way and help you understand exactly how a mobile app development project functions. Together with the team, you will understand which features are the best to be integrated into your app, how long the project will last, and what the estimated price of the project will be.

After the introductory meeting, our design team will send you a brand guide with questions regarding your idea. This is a document for you to fill out, in which we focus on getting as many details from you as possible with the intent to make the perfect design for you. When you finish filling in the questionnaire, we will have a call to go through the documentation and answer any of your questions. Afterwards, we will write technical design documentation which will be our guide throughout the design and development process.

This is highly dependent on your idea of the app. After we discuss all the features and details regarding them, we can estimate the time. Broadly speaking, mobile app development can last anywhere from 2 months to 6 months

After you tell us the main idea behind your project, the features you would like it to have and the time in which you would like to have it delivered, the team will estimate the price.

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